Family and Fall

You try keeping it together with all these ringy ass monsters sneaking up on you and stealing from you. They’re always beating you up and cackling as they run away. The pitter-patter of their little feet is like trouble coming close and trouble blowing by, and you’re always waiting to put out another little fire that they have started. It’s never-ending and it’s awesome. It really feels complete. Like I know exactly what I’m doing with my life, and that’s basically making sure these tiny monsters are taken care of. Other things? I have no idea. Im faking it, im getting by, im just trying to maintain but I got these two foot tall demons as my back-up. I feel pretty good about that.

So these are pictures of my family. Random shots but they’re all mine. I take full responsibility here.

These were all taken with various cameras, different film stocks. One’s digital. It doesn’t matter what you use to capture the image, as long as you got that memory and that sneaky twinkly mischief vibe.

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